Color in Interior

There are a lot colors that can we used and combine, to brighten up the space. Here are some of the tips and tricks that we usually use to play with colors.


Yellow can be a difficult color to use as, being cheerful and striking, one tends to tire of it quickly. However if we use this in moderation and and put a careful thought about where to put and how to applied it, yellow ca be a very nice complement to the room. A pale but warm shade is suitable for bedrooms, both childres’s and adukts, living room, dining or even bathroom and kitchen. We also like to use yellow color for our commercial projects.


Orange is a daring colour, it has the energy and intensity of red and yellow. This color radiating vitality and optimism, therefor any detail in a home can take touches of orange and be pleasing to the eye. Its ideal to combine orange with other colors and use it in all rooms.


Red is a passionate primary color which has character and visual strength. It can be applied in moderation, on just one wall of a room or as decorations color such as pillow, vase etc. Its association with warm, vibrant cultures can create wonderful atmosphere to the whole room.


Pink is associated with subtlety, childhood, purity and femininity, which is why it is often seen in little girls or teenage girls bedrooms. However pink has a wide range of shades that produce good chromatic color, which is best to used in decoration and can add a contemporary touch.


Violet is a mystical color which has  association with royalty and is very powerful. Although it is an extremely pleasant color, it is important not to apply it to large surfaces or as the only color in room, since it can be a little overwhelming. Combine it with contracting natural colors such as white to create better visual balance in a space.


Blue is one of the few colors which can be used without problems in any part of a house. Blue has wide ranges of tones, it can be used everywhere in the house, you can used blue as a wall paint, cabinet and also perfect for decoration such as pillows or rugs. One thing to remember is that to harmonize the brightness of blue colors with the room.


Green is a color with a wide variety of hues which means that any room from bedroom to bathroom can be painted with this color. It is just a matter of choosing the right shades. The pastel tones are generally used for kitchens and bathrooms, deeper green colors also perfect for bedroom, playroom and common room area.


Brown has endless possibilities because it is a nature’s own color. It is one of the color that can be used in contemporary as well as classical style. It combines perfectly with other earth and neutral tones as well as with blue, green, pink, orange and red.


Beige is a subtle, sophisticated, elegant, calm and soothing color. It is great with precision and harmony to the whole range of brown and black. Combine beige with pastel shade can afford them greater character. It is a color that often employs in textiles and its use is essential in creating warm interiors.


Grey is the balance whitin chromatic family. It is a color that can stabilizes the tone applied in any space, it also combine perfectly with all othe colors. Which is why grey always been on of the fundamental color in interior design. It can be used as a statute for black in order to achieve a sophistication but less intense effect.


Some people might be afraid to play with black color in their interior. However black is absolutely essential in interior ad architecture. It has aesthetic impact to the room. Black also perfect to be the statement of the room. You can combine black with any other chromatic color to make it more interesting.


White is symbolically the most perfect color, it sums all colors. White is the most used color in interior design because of the effects it produces. It illuminates rooms and make it look bigger. It is neutral enough to combine ith any othe color and has sufficient presence to be used by itself.

So which color is your favorite color for you space? lets have fun with it!

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